So the Droid 2 is back in the news again, everyone rejoice. The Droid 2 has somewhat solidified itself in icon status simply by getting around. Most everyone interested at this point are seriously just waiting for the release to happen. But still no word on its release, until now.
In response to a recent post we wrote up about the rumored time frame for the Droid 2 we have gotten a small tid bit of information from one of our readers who happened to speak to a Verizon rep who could have potentially let the cat out of the bag. Our reader who is unnamed, states that a Verizon customer service rep told him, “we could order it starting 12:01am on Thursday the 12th”. Couple this with the recent pictures of the Droid 2’s pricing in Best Buys, I think we have all the proof we need. Get ready to get your Droid 2 on come Thursday the 12th. The Verizon customer service rep that kindly assisted our reader probably was not supposed to confirm this information, as the whole company has been mysteriously hush about the entire phone. The pictures out of Best Buy put the new Droid 2 right in line with all the other flagship releases, if you pony up about 200 bucks one could be yours under contract with Verizon. The Droid 2 will run on subscribers about 500 bucks.
So it looks as if the Droid 2’s ship will be landing this week, keep an eye out for it as it might just be your next new phone.
Thank you to “vzw customer” for the tip.